Download Mobile AppVirtual reality will become the future of videogames very soon
April 11, 2016 - 17:09:03.jpg)
That is what players keep asking themselves lately, since virtual reality, virtual reality apps and most of all, virtual reality games are having a big boom right now. It’s a reality now, no more a mere rumour, as we can see in posts, newspaper articles and important tech magazines. We don’t have a certain answer yet, but meanwhile we can enjoy the peak of HMD (Head-Mounted Displays) such as VxMask glasses, and the great amount of virtual reality apps, virtual reality games and virtual reality videos that are already on the market and give us a small taste of what’s to come in the world of virtual reality.
Interaction as an essential part of the virtual reality experience
April 13, 2016 - 16:35:23Read more