How to uninstall applications
You can uninstall applications you've purchased at Idcappstore on your device. If you have purchased an application, you can always install it later, with the exception of applications which have been acquired via a temporary subscription, in that case you will be able to install it until the expiration date of the subscription. How to uninstall applications using the device settings menu to uninstall an application that you no longer want to have installed, do the following:
Go to the the device menu and press settings > applications or application (depending on the device) Manager.
click on the application you want to uninstall.
press uninstall.
If the Uninstall button does not appear or if only the option to "Uninstall upgrades" appears, it means that the application in question cannot be uninstalled from the device. How to uninstall applications using the application Idcappstore to uninstall an application using the Idcappstore application, do the following:
Open the application.
Open the user menu that you will find at the top left.
click on my orders.
Click on the application that you want to uninstall.
On the product page, click on the button uninstall.
faq_res_4_3: 'The devices accepted by the Idcappstore application and its digital content are those that have the Android OS 4.0(ice cream sandwich) operating system or higher. You need to have enabled the use of unknown sources. '
faq_res_5_1: 'Go to the page "I forgot my password" and enter your email account that you created your account at Idcappstore with or you can also enter your username. An email will be sent to your email account, follow the steps to change the password and gain access to your Idcappstore account.'
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e_cont_see: If this message is not displayed correctly, click here
es_w_successfully_activated: Your Idcappstore account has been created successfully!